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[10-11 00:38:32]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  祝福赠言   阅读:8947
概要:Seven, last year on this day you have to cry, think, do you remember? Haha, remember I loaded ghosts to frighten you. Today is Halloween, I wish you joy and happiness.Eight, too terrible, I now see a terrible things, his unkempt, dressed in pajamas, you won't believe it, it is a ghost, you see h

Seven, last year on this day you have to cry, think, do you remember? Haha, remember I loaded ghosts to frighten you. Today is Halloween, I wish you joy and happiness.

Eight, too terrible, I now see a terrible things, his unkempt, dressed in pajamas, you won't believe it, it is a ghost, you see her holding a called IPO things are looking sms. Haha, happy ghost Halloween happy!


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