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[10-11 00:38:32]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  祝福赠言   阅读:8181






A friend, as long as you get this message forwarded to ten friends, forwarding after you will get free halloween super of affectionate blessing, she will bless you have a night of revelry. Happy halloween!

Two, ha ha, met during the day, the job is too tired; do not sleep at night, fatigue Carnival loaded ghosts, do more. Wish you a happy halloween!

The three sister, today is a special day, not my birthday, nor is her birthday, not revolution leader 's birthday, today is the ghost festival, happy halloween!

Four, 8 March of each year is women's day, May 1st is the labor holiday, June 1st is children's day, September 10th is teachers' day, October 1st is the season of Communist Party of China, today is your festival, I wish you a happy Halloween, you ghost home auspicious.

Five, the day, that is a king; every day to play, it is the local ruffians; day hard sweat, also enjoy the heaven; although not a ghost, Halloween to it.

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