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[10-11 00:39:41]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  生日祝福语大全   阅读:8673
概要:英文生日贺词(亲切幽默)这些都很幽默: 1)封面上写:On your birthday, you might feel extra special. 里面:But I think you're pretty special every day. 2)封面上写:All the clowns in Clowntown... 里面:Are tickled pink to say, they wish you barrels full of fun, on such a special day. Happy Birthday! 3)封面上写:Answer: Wine, cheese, and



1)封面上写:On your birthday, you might feel extra special.
里面:But I think you're pretty special every day.

2)封面上写:All the clowns in Clowntown...
 里面:Are tickled pink to say, they wish you barrels full of fun, on  such a special day. Happy Birthday!

3)封面上写:Answer: Wine, cheese, and you.
 里面:Question: Name three things that improve with age.

4)封面上写:There's no need to get so excited.
 里面:After all, another candle on your cake won't kill anyone (as long as we keep the fire extinguisher handy).

5)封面上写:The older we get, the more we wonder...
 里面:Is happy birthday an oxymoron? 

莎士比亚 (Shakespeare):
封面上写:Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
里面:Na, I'll just wish you a Happy Birthday!

封面上写:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness...
里面:...it's your birthday! Happy Birthday!

You must be carefully, because I will give a big surprise to you ~~~~ok !!! Now can you see a little pig is looking for her brithday wish ? ? ? Can you see ? Let me tell you, but I must ask you: Who is looking the computer ? Are the girl you ? Yes,the pig is you ! ! Are you surprise ? Happy Birthday ! ! !
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