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[10-11 00:43:26]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  中文求职信范文   阅读:8832
概要:Cover letters can be written in various styles and formats. For each situation a certain style would be suitable. A letter responding to a job advertisement would be different to a speculative letter sent to an employer that hires people in your field. You would use a different introduction and incl

  Cover letters can be written in various styles and formats. For each situation a certain style would be suitable. A letter responding to a job advertisement would be different to a speculative letter sent to an employer that hires people in your field. You would use a different introduction and include different types of information for both styles.

   求职信 的格式和风格可以很多样。根据具体情况选择适宜的风格。针对招聘广告发出的 求职信 和发给特定招聘者的 求职信 必定有所不同,所以必须使用不同风格的自我介绍和个人信息。

  Likewise if you were submitting a cover letter, after being referred from a colleague, you would want to explain who you were being referred from. Similarly for an internal position or promotion in an organisation, it would be sensible to explain you currently work for them.


  Let’s look at the differences between a standard and speculative cover letter.


  Firstly a standard covering letter:


  Dear Mr. Jones,


  My name is John Smith and I enclose my CV for consideration for the post of Environmental Engineer, advertised in The Times on October 21st

  本人John Smith,申请10月21日发表在泰晤士报上的环境工程师职位,并附以 简历 。

  The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. I became interested in environmental engineering during my second year at University. My course involved an understanding of the water purification industry, which I found most stimulating. I am particularly attracted to Johnsons Engineering Ltd because of the high reputation of your graduate training scheme

  我的专业跟这个职位十分对口。在我大学二年级的时候我开始对环境工程感兴趣。我的课程主要是涉及水净化行业。这让我十分高兴。贵公司的研究生 培训 计划享有极高的声誉,这一点大大地吸引我。

  During my time as a student I had a variety of part time and vacation jobs, which all developed my sense of working in a team. In particular, my time as a volunteer in a canal reclamation project required me to supervise a small group. I have a strong sense of public responsibility and also the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I would make a success of this important position


  I will be available for an interview at any time, apart from November 4th to 6th when I am attending a wedding in Scotland. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

  除了11月4号到6号我需要去苏格兰参加一个婚礼,其他时间都是可以参加 面试 的。感谢你可以给我一次 面试 的机会,希望很快可以收到您的来信。

  Yours sincerely


  Now let’s look at a standard speculative letter, which you would send if you were enquiring about the possibility of a job. It would, of course, vary according to the nature of the company:


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