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[10-11 00:49:51]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英文求职信   阅读:8429
概要:Director of Consulting CenterShanghai Foreign Service Co., Ltd406 Maoming Mansion, 580 Maoming Rd(S)Luwan District, Shanghai 20021Dear Mr. Director,I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law
Director of Consulting Center
  Shanghai Foreign Service Co., Ltd
  406 Maoming Mansion, 580 Maoming Rd(S)
  Luwan District, Shanghai 20021
  Dear Mr. Director,
  I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law,
tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation.
  During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two
foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China's
entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted.
  I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Liu's letter of recommendation.
  I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which I will dedicate myself.
  Truly yours,
  Fu Jialin

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