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[10-11 00:49:51]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英文求职信   阅读:8883
概要:Dear Personnel Manager: Hello! When you see the cover letter, I hope we can see that! I learned from your company's recruitment posters that the company need to recruit Analysis Laboratory. Solid theoretical foundation and skilled operating skills for me to do this job with confidence.
Dear Personnel Manager:
     Hello! When you see the cover letter, I hope we can see that!
     I learned from your company's recruitment posters that the company need to recruit Analysis Laboratory. Solid theoretical foundation and skilled operating skills for me to do this job with confidence.
     I am a Jiangxi Vocational College of Applied Technology 04五年一贯制graduates this year, the Applied Chemical Technology, since September 20XX has been to school, I studied three years of professional courses. Outstanding ideological progress, four years were given an "outstanding student leaders and pacesetters" three "students Miyoshi," three "outstanding student leaders," many times "good worker", "outstanding member", "best editing" and other honors title. 3 were given second-class, 1 second, 3 third-class scholarship. I treasure each and every school the opportunity to experiment, the requirements in the theoretical basis of their enhanced skills constantly. Lively and cheerful personality, positive thinking and motivated for my rich and varied extra-curricular life, I actively participated in various community activities and serious for a lot of input from the harvest, these fully trained exercise my ability of oral communication, organization and management capacity and analytical ability to solve problems.
     By understanding the company's strict management system, business objective and more efficient to improve the work of my love and passion, and I sincerely hope that the company can fulfill the development of greater strength, really look forward to working with you to meet, you can notified of the time I interviewed, that is: Phone 0797-6149xxx (PHS) QQ: 46969609 E-mail: liushihua66@126.com
     When you put the letter in this sub-job, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, at the same time would like to thank you for a minute to consider my personal capacity and, where appropriate. Wish the company success is booming!

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