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[10-11 00:49:51]   来源:http://www.t6t5.com  英文求职信   阅读:8908
概要: Jessie B. Fairbanks 15 Oakwood Drive / Rego Park, NY 11374 / 718-123-4567 September 25, 20XX Maxwell Jones HR Director ABC Hotel New York,
   Jessie B. Fairbanks
                                                                  15 Oakwood Drive / Rego Park,
                                                                        NY 11374 / 718-123-4567
    September 25, 20XX
    Maxwell Jones
    HR Director
    ABC Hotel
    New York, NY 12222
    Dear Mr. Jones:
    In regard to the open cook position you have posted on Monster, I am very interested in the opportunity. Perhaps after reading this letter and enclosed resume, you will agree we have a mutually beneficial reason to meet. My credentials include:
  -12+ years of cooking experience in a hotel setting.
  -A track record of increasing clientele by preparing top-quality meals and maintaining high standards of excellence.
  -Respected leadership skills with experience training and motivating kitchen staff to work together as a team.
  -Expertise in menu planning and food/supplies ordering.
  -An uncompromising emphasis on quality, sanitation, waste reduction and cost savings.
    ABC Hotel’s mission and commitment to serving customers and the community is one that I share wholeheartedly. As a cook for Action Resort, I maintained an excellent performance record (using only two sick days throughout my 12-year tenure with the company) and earned a reputation for dedication, teamwork and a roll-up-your-sleeves work ethic.
    The cook position sounds like an outstanding opportunity, and I would welcome the chance for an interview to discuss your needs and outline my strengths in person. You may reach me at 718-555-1212. Thank you for your time and consideration of my resume, and I look forward to speaking with you.
                                                                                  Sincerely, www.t6t5.com

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